Friday, November 07, 2008

Home Networks

by Kelly Waters


kdemayo said...

I liked the pictures for the demonstrations...

Unknown said...

You simplify the home network system so that the students are not overwhelmed, but will want to learn more. The topics are in a logical order and presented at a good pace. Technical terms are introduced and explained to expand the students vocabulary.

Christine said...

You really explain it in simple terms. In a step by step procedure introducing every component where I someone not in technology can understand. You use great pictures of components giving detailed information about their parts. Great job.

kdemayo said...

This video seemed to very much match with your obective it also helps instruct a class because it is very well explained, the best thing is the pictures, but I would improve upon this by either using more music or more pictures . If i taught this subject i would definitely use the video clip because it is very informative and well explained.

Unknown said...

Simple enough for an unexperienced person to understand. In a classroom or for adult education, this video would be a great asset in demonstrating how something so complicated can be so much less overwhelming. The descriptions of the equipment and your explanation of what they do and how they work together were very organized and complete. Nice job, I would definately use this clip in my class. (Don't worry, I'll give you the reference)

Unknown said...

I thought this was good for a introduction to basic networking. this topic could get very boring, luckly i found this interesting and hopefully others would as well.

steve cori said...

Good video. Kept it simple but technical. Good use of graphics and pictures. I can see using this in a computer class to get everyone familure with the process. Nice job Kelly