Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Video Blogging Expierence

This is the first time that I had ever experimented with or used any sort of video editing or creating software and I was rather suprised at how easy it was. I had used Windows Movie Maker software to make my video, and I found that its functionality was somewhat limited in some areas. For example I had trouble setting exactly how long each clip would remain on the screen. Some other video editing software may provide more functionality there, but Movie Maker did allright.

I also hadnt ever uploaded videos to "Google Videos" before, but I often use "Google Videos", so I really appreicate learning how to upload videos.

I also didnt realize how easy it is to make a video clip of my own, that suits my lesson exactly, that I can use to teach a lesson to my students better. Eventually when I get a job as a teacher, I definately feel like I might want to use some of the skills that I learned here to help enhance my lessons.

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