Saturday, November 08, 2008

How to change a tire?

by Patrick Rogin


Unknown said...

Very useful video, something everyone needs to know. I like the safety hint about using the tire as a spacer in case the jack fails. You make it look easy. When you speak about making sure you are turning the lug nuts the right way maybe you could verbalize what is right in addition to showing it. The video could be a little longer, showing the car driving away in the end...

Christine said...

I think it was great, now I know how to change a tire. I like how he refers to safety and point out to use the tire as assistance to changing the tire for additional precautions. He makes it look easy like I can do this now myself. Can you change it with out having the power drill to remove the lug nuts maybe you could have pointed that out to us. Otherwise I learned something from it Thanks.

Chris said...

Just like with Steve's video, if I didn't already know how to change a tire, after watching this video, I would be on my way to.

Ann said...

Well, if I ever have a flat tire I will surely contact you, becuase before this I had no clue where to even begin. I think that overall it was good. If it was a little longer, like Denise said, I think it would be even better. Especially if you showed the end result of the tire being fully on and driving in the car, which Denise said too haha.

kerri said...

I usually call someone to change my tires. Good demonstration! I like the safety points. I would have never thought about putting the tire underneath the car!!! I have a jeep too so at least now I have a better idea to where place the jack if I need to change a tire. Very helpful!

Laura Michaels said...

Who needs roadside assistance??
Great informational video, good safety points and tricks, such as using the spare for a safety net.

Kelly said...

Great video, matched the learning objectives with the safety and instructional information. The instruction was very good, maybe just describe a little more in detail. Other related video clips could be on the selection of the appropriate tire! The best thing about this video is the helpful hints (tire under the car incase the jack fails). I think you could put some cool music in the background when the tire is complete and then drive away to prove that you did it correctly! I would use this video in my classroom because it was very informative. Great blogging experience!

Unknown said...

This video was very informative i thought that it is a good idea of placing the extra tire under the car to prevent potential accidents

steve cori said...

Nice job. You covered all the aspects needed to complete the task. I know the air gun made it easy but I dont think you would have one on the side of the Souther State. Next time you should use an old fashon tire iron. Again NICE JOB

eric said...

I found your video very informative and you presented your lesson well. You gave good step by step instructions that the students will find easy to follow. You hit on safety whitch is very important good job

kdemayo said...

Great job! The video clip very much matched up with the objectives of how to change a tire. It also meets the instructional needs because you show how to change the tire. If I were the instructor, I might also show a video on how to change coolant or how to change the oil. The best thing about the video is how well you explain everything. One way i would improve this video is by adding more captions and music to the video to make it more appealing. I would adopt this unit plan because you uses great practices and also shows everything in the simplest way possible. My blogging experience has been working out really well.

Unknown said...

Great Video
Good step by Step
Always safety first and he did
I would have used the jack and handle provided with the vehicle. Maybe explain where they are generally stored. Great Job!