Monday, May 12, 2008

Henry Hudson (by Katelyn Thomas)


jdro17 said...

this was a good video on 'henry hudson'. A lot of those pictures i had no idea were related to him. especially the one with all the different pipes. i guess he used to smoke a pipe? i dont know if you added naration to it, but it was a good video and a quick introduction to 'henry hudson'

Erica Engleton said...

nice video i liked the graphics

Unknown said...

The pictures were great and the music was perfect for the setting. I don't really know alot about Henry Hudson so I think adding a narration to explain what some of the pictures were about would make this complete and a great class visual aid. Overall, really well put together and nice job. I wish my video would have had this nice of an outcome.

Dave said...

I usually don't like the videos with no audio but yours along with the music paints a very good picture of Henry Hudson. I think as long as the video is followed up on it works great. nice job.