Friday, April 27, 2007


by Bob Eliot


Maria said...

I think Bobs video was excellent! It was very informative, had great visuals, relatable material, and interesting content! The one thing i would add to it would be soft background music to make it a well rounded video.But overall after watching it I definatly learned something new and it made me wish that i did take physics back in high school!
Great Job!

Doug N said...

Bob, the video grabs the audience's attention with your examples and videos. Incorporating the video of the bridge was a nice touch. I didn't notice the missing music at first probably because you did a good job on your story.

Vince said...

Bob what a great video I remember hearing all about the Tacoma Narrows bridge and was always interested in it, but on the other side was never interested in Physics and to this day never took a Physics class but if it's about things like this maybe it won't be so bad.

Steve said...

All I could say is that we've got so many students who knows how to deal with new technology. Great job Bob!
Sorry that I couldn't stay untill yours, but I've heard it didn't play anyways =)

tony said...

I got the vibration.
It was oscillating.

Thank you for presenting so well and all your efforts with this project.

katelin said...

i think your video was great. i felt so bad when it wouldnt play at the source conference yours was one of the best videos and you worked so hard. but great job anyway

Unknown said...

Bob, your photostory will resonate on in my life. I was happy that you took the lead in rallying us all to create beautiful stories ourselves.
Keep it up!