Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Christine's Unit On The Sun

This unit on the Sun was used in a First Grade Class setting.

The sun is a very important part of our lives. Without it, there would be no life. There would be no food, no change of seasons, and it would be dark all the time.

This unit will begin our study of our solar system. By beginning with the sun, the students will have a better understanding of how important simple things are, such as the change from day to night. They will learn why the seasons change and what would happen if they didn’t.

We will briefly touch on energy that is produced by the sun. The students will research for themselves what everyday things require the sun’s energy. We will conclude the unit by beginning to discuss space and gravity in relation to the sun.

This unit provides a lot of activities to get the students motivated and excited about our Sun!

Lesson 1 (PDF file)

Lesson 2 (PDF File)

Lesson 3 (PDF File)

Lesson 4 (PDF File)

Lesson 5 (PDF File)


Dr. Hsu said...


Well done! There are, however, minor revisions can be made to make this unit plan perfect. Please make revisions according to the following suggestions before your presentation:

 In your unit description/summary, (1) briefly describe how your unit plan aligns with interdisciplinary standards (i.e., science, language arts, arts), (2) how each lesson connected to enhance student understanding about the “big idea” of the unit, and (3) elaborate on how arts and multimedia were used to enhance your curriculum and instruction, and how you evaluated student learning through arts and multimedia.
 Ask yourself: How are these big ideas connected to each other (maybe draw a concept map)?
 Consistency on the writer’s voice. For example, in lesson one, you wrote “First begin by having the students join you on the carpet facing your KWL chart...” and “I will then proceed by reading one of the books mentioned above (or any other book about the sun.)”
 List specific standards aligning with your lesson objectives. Go to MarcoPolo website ( and go into specific grade level and select standards for your unit lessons. For example, your lesson one should add ELA standards that align with your lesson objective as the followings: Also add Arts and Technology ( standards to address your objectives.
1.2.R.1 Comprehend and respond to imaginative texts and performances; interpret, with assistance
1.3.R.1 Identify, explain, and evaluate ideas, themes, and experiences from texts and performances
1.1.W.3 Maintain a portfolio of informational writings and drawings, with assistance
1.1.W.4 Take notes to record facts from lessons, with assistance
• write words or draw pictures in order to capture important understandings
1.1.L.1 Acquire information from nonfiction text
1.1.S.4 Retell multiple pieces of information in sequence; for example, retell a story
1.1.S.7 Respond orally to questions and/or directions
1.3.S.1 Share what they know, want to know, and have learned about a theme or topic
1.4.S.1 Participate in small or large group storytelling, in order to interact with classmates and adults in the classroom and school environment
 Create a rubric for holistic unit assessment.
 Create a final culminating activity to wrap up the unit.
 Give hyperlinks to the resources or materials that can be found online. For example, books, songs, worksheets, and etc. used in the unit. Also give credits and list references to the resources and materials used.
 Check mechanics again.
Check this out!
 Unit Planning Guide (check to seeif you have missed out any components).
 Eye on the Sun

Anonymous said...

On the hard copy ALL the standards are listed. I did not have time to burn a new disc in time for last week but they are listed on the second page of every lesson. Also, there is a project at the end of my unit where the students make a space shuttle at home and then write about their trip to the sun. I'm not sure what else you are looking for.