Friday, November 06, 2009

Color Wheel

by Keith


Luci Ferraro said...


Your video on the color wheel was very informative. You broke it down into primary, secondary and so forth. You spoke slowly and clearly allowing the audience to follow along. Nice job!

Unknown said...

You spoke very clearly, but the volume was pretty low for me. A great thing you tok into consideration was wait time for the students to complete their work and continue to follow on with you. I really think your video would be effective in the classroom.

Dan LaManna said...

This video was very informative, but you spoke a little too softly. I liked how you left time for the viewer to take in the information. Good job

Dr. Hsu said...

Hi Keith,

Your video contains sufficient details and development to make the teaching of ideas/concepts/skills clear. Dr. Hsu

Dr. Hsu said...

Good job! Dr. Hsu

Dave said...

I really like how you showed students how to set up the color wheel with the drawings and slowly progressed through the video, you could speak a little louder though.

Gregory Gilroy said...

Very interesting video and very informational. You spoke well and clear and was very effective with getting the point across.

Keith Henderson said...

good job keith

Christian Dienna said...

Good job, you explained the triangles and the color circle well along with allowing proper time for the students to complete the task.

Unknown said...

I like your video! The well paced instruction enables the students to create a more complex color wheel that has many opprtunities for higher level thinking. Well done.